
6130 La Vista Dr, Dallas, TX 75214

Home Instead

Home Instead is a locally owned home care service situated in Mishawaka. Our team of experts offers friendly and responsive services. We understand each client has different needs, so we offer personalized home care services tailored to each. Since we are a local business, coming to your home and caring for your loved one will be easier. Additionally, we know the local area in detail, which allows us to help your loved one run errands and meet with their medical practitioner. We understand how seniors feel lonely because they’re mostly alone at home. As a result, we establish meaningful relationships with them and ensure they’re always happy and engaged. This improves their health and quality of life.

Business Hours

  • Open 24 Hours
  • Open 24 Hours
  • Open 24 Hours
  • Open 24 Hours
  • Open 24 Hours
  • Open 24 Hours
  • Open 24 Hours
Home Instead

Social Profiles

Home Instead

  • 3025 Grape Rd
  • (574) 256-1479